We Refuse to Vote Out of Fear

Let's make one thing abundantly clear- the people do not pick presidents, the electoral college does.  Same principal goes for the primaries, your vote is ultimately trumped by superdelegates.  Save your rage, there are many other things you can do besides voting.
But this is not the point.
Your vote can be used to send a message.  A message that we will not vote out of fear of the greater evil.  A message that the two-party system is not supplying us with the change we are looking for.  Put very simply, there are 3 messages you can send.

Vote for Trump- "I will follow any flaming racist and idiot the Republican can find because I don't trust Clinton and I won't vote for a publicly corrupt DNC and I'm afraid of what they will do to the country."

Vote for Clinton- "Out of my fear of what Trump will do to this country I will forgive even the most outrageous public scandals and vote for someone who's political agenda has nothing but her own power struggles in mind."

Vote Independent- "I refuse to vote for a scheming, politically underhanded democratic nominee. I refuse to listen to a rich idiot who bought himself a ticket to presidency.  I no longer want a part of a system that is blatently corrupt and willing to literally do nothing about it.  I no longer want a part of a system in which money buys you power.  I want another option."

If Clinton loses to Trump because of the progressive voters, then maybe the Democratic party will try to embrace more progressive policies instead of presenting us with more of the same bullshit.  If enough people actually choose to vote their conscience maybe we will actually see a progressive platform which grows to fill the vacuum.

We refuse to vote out of fear.  Voting out of fear begets a fear-based system.  Voting for the lesser of two evils will always net you a choice between two evils.  No great political movement was ever started out of fear that things would get worse.  Instead, great movements are started out of the hope we can make things better.  Vote your conscience in this election and don't listen to the hype.

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