We Refuse to Vote Out of Fear

Let's make one thing abundantly clear- the people do not pick presidents, the electoral college does.  Same principal goes for the primaries, your vote is ultimately trumped by superdelegates.  Save your rage, there are many other things you can do besides voting.
But this is not the point.
Your vote can be used to send a message.  A message that we will not vote out of fear of the greater evil.  A message that the two-party system is not supplying us with the change we are looking for.  Put very simply, there are 3 messages you can send.

Lost in Saigon

"Here in Saigon; nothing rude."

Saigon makes Hanoi look like a quaint village town.  If Hanoi's insanity is one you can sink into, Saigon's brand is a rushing torrent that you jump into and hope you can swim.  Here the question is not why did the chicken cross the road, but instead; how the hell did he make it to the other side?!  Motorbikes flood every inch of the streets and people criss cross in every concievable direction.  Street vendors pass bar to bar selling sunglasses or bracelets or photocopied versions of Catch 22, Lonely Planet guides, and Bukowski.

New Orleans

Here, in these old streets,
ancient voodoo has been sold off as a souvenier,
mysteries manufactured for foreign money,
and magic, it seems,
has seeped out the banks of the levies,
lost like so many silver rings to the muddy Mississippi.

But wise eyes know how to look.


right here,
in the heart of it all,
where skyscrapers stumble over one another,
and everywhere you go is somewhere they don't want you to be.

There are spots though;
there's the library on 2nd,
the scaffolding down on Orchard,
and the Starbucks on Broadway (when the fat manager's not around)."